Archive for the ‘trick’ Category

Magic Writing

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010

In this game a confederate is necessary. The player states to the company, after a few remarks on ancient sign-language, that he is able to read signs made with a stick on the floor, and agrees to leave the room whilst the company decide upon some word or sentence.

The game is played as follows: It is agreed by the player and his confederate that one tap on the floor shall represent A, two taps E, three taps I, four taps O, and five taps U, and that the first letter of each remark the confederate makes shall he one of the consonants of the word or sentence decided upon by the company. The consonants must be taken in order. On the player’s return, supposing the word chosen to be “March,” his confederate would commence: “Many people think this game a deception” (initial letter M). One tap on the floor (A). “Really it is very simple” (initial letter R). “Coming to the end soon (initial letter C). “Hope it has been quite clear” (initial letter H).

A few more signs are made so as not to finish too abruptly, and the player then states the word to be “March.” If carefully conducted, this game will interest the audience for a considerable time.

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain

The Farmyard

Wednesday, September 10th, 2008

This game, if carried out properly, will cause great amusement.

One of the party announces that he will whisper to each person the name of some animal, which, at a given signal, must be imitated as loudly as possible. Instead, however, of giving the name of an animal to each, he whispers to all the company, with the exception of one, to keep perfectly silent.

To this one he whispers that the animal he is to imitate is the donkey. After a short time, so that all may he in readiness, the signal is given. Instead of all the party making the sounds of various animals, nothing is hard but a loud bray from the one unfortunate member of the company.

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain


Wednesday, August 15th, 2007
Child in Wonderment

It is necessary that only two of the party should have a knowledge of this game, and then “wonderment” is sure to he the result.

The two players agree that a certain word shall be regarded as a signal word. As an illustration, imagine this word to be “and.”

One of the players asserts his belief that he is gifted with second sight, and states that he is able, through a closed door, to name any article touched by any person in sympathy with him, notwithstanding the said person may attempt to mystify him by mentioning a lot of other articles. He then chooses his confederate, as being one with whom he may he in sympathy, and goes outside.

The player in the room then proceeds to call out, perhaps as follows: Table, Hearthrug, Piano, Footstool and Chair, Lamp, Inkstand. He then places his hand on the back of a chair and asks: “What am I touching now?” the answer will, of course, be “Chair,” because the signal word “and” came immediately before that article.

If the players are skillful there is no need for the trick to be discovered.

Image © SoccerMasta @ Flickr, Attribution

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain

This and That

Thursday, July 19th, 2007
Kids Pointing to this and that

A confederate is necessary for this trick. The one performing the trick goes out of the room and the confederate agrees with the audience to touch a certain article. The person outside is recalled and his confederate begins to question him. “Did I touch this music book?” “No.” “Did I touch this table?” “No.” “Did I touch this knife?” “No.” “Did I touch that fork?” “Yes.” The secret consists in saying the word “that” before the article touched instead of “this.”

Image © plasticrevolver @ Flickr, Share-Alike

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain

Think of a Number

Thursday, July 19th, 2007
Kids Numbers

In this game the leader tells one of the players to think of any number he likes, but not to say it aloud.

He next tells him to double it; this done, the player is told to add eight to the result, and then halve it. After doing this he must halve the whole, and from what is left take away the number first thought of. If correctly worked out the answer will he four, which is just half the number which the leader told the player to add after the original number was doubled.

For instance, we will suppose the number thought of to have been twenty. When doubled, the result will be forty. The player then adds eight, which gives him a total of forty eight. He halves this, and has twenty-four left. When he has taken away the number first thought of (twenty) he has a total of four-which is half the number the leader told him to add in the beginning at the game.

Image © smoooochie1 @ Flickr, Share-Alike

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain

“Our Old Grannie Doesn’t Like Tea”

Friday, June 22nd, 2007
Child Carrying Tea

All the players sit in a row, except one, who sits in front of them and says to each one in tum; “Our old Grannie doesn’t like T; what can you give her instead?”

Perhaps the first player will answer, “Cocoa,” and that will be correct; but if the second player should say, “Chocolate,” he will have to pay a forfeit, because there is a “T” in chocolate. This is really a catch, as at first everyone thinks that “tea” is meant
instead of the letter “T.” Even after the trick has been found out it is very easy to make a slip, as the players must answer before “five” is counted; if they cannot, or if they mention an article of food with the letter “T” in it, they must pay a forfeit.

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain

Image © micha niskin @ Flickr, ShareAlike

Malaga Raisins

Monday, June 11th, 2007
Kids Circle Raisin

The players sit in a circle and one who is acquainted with the trick takes a small stick in his right hand, makes some funny movements with it, and then, having taken it in his left hand, passes it to his neighbor, saying: “Malaga raisins are very good raisins, but I like Valencias better.”

He then tells his neighbor to do the same. Should any of the players pass on the stick with the right hand, they must pay a forfeit, but of course they must not be told what mistake they have made until the stick has been passed right round the circle.

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain

Image © Brianfit @ Flickr, Attribution

Hunt the Whistle

Thursday, May 31st, 2007
Child with whistle

Summer is all around, and filled with children’s Dreams of Flying.

For those that love free stuff – Karen from Pediascribe is running a contest to give away a $20 gift certificate. To participate simply make a comment on any of her posts. Best of luck!

PediaScribe is the blogging side of Karen and Dr. Mike’s PediaCast – where Dr. Mike talks about general and medical things that affect your children. You can even call in and leave questions for Dr. Mike to answer during the podcast.

Also be sure to checkout the Vlad Studio artwork she has down the left hand side of her blog – There are some really wonderful pictures there.

Now, to the classic kids game!