“Our Old Grannie Doesn’t Like Tea”

Child Carrying Tea

All the players sit in a row, except one, who sits in front of them and says to each one in tum; “Our old Grannie doesn’t like T; what can you give her instead?”

Perhaps the first player will answer, “Cocoa,” and that will be correct; but if the second player should say, “Chocolate,” he will have to pay a forfeit, because there is a “T” in chocolate. This is really a catch, as at first everyone thinks that “tea” is meant
instead of the letter “T.” Even after the trick has been found out it is very easy to make a slip, as the players must answer before “five” is counted; if they cannot, or if they mention an article of food with the letter “T” in it, they must pay a forfeit.

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain

Image © micha niskin @ Flickr, ShareAlike

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