The Sea and Her Children

Kids Playing in the Ocean

The players seat themselves in a circle, one of the number remaining in the center to represent the “Sea.” Each player takes the name of some fish and the Sea walking around the circle calls each person by the name they have adopted. As they are called they must rise and follow the “Sea.”

When all have left their seats the “Sea” begins to run about crying: “The Sea is troubled.” Suddenly she seats herself, when all her companions must try to do the same; hut there will be one seat short, so there will be one player left over and this player becomes the “Sea.” No player must seat himself until the “Sea” has taken a chair, and she can create some fun by running about and pretending she is about to seat herself.

Any player seating himself before the “Sea” must pay a forfeit.

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain

Image © mamamusings @ Flickr, ShareAlike

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