Archive for the ‘rhyme’ Category

Acting Rhymes

Thursday, October 11th, 2007
Kid’s Rhymes

For this game, half the players go outside the door, whilst those who stay in the room choose a word of one syllable, which should not be too difficult. For instance, suppose the word chosen be “Flat,” those who are out of the room are informed that a word has been thought of that rhymes with “Cat.” and they then have to act, without speaking, all the words they can think of that rhyme with “Cat.”

Supposing their First idea be “Bat,” they come into the room and play an imaginary game of cricket. This not being correct, they would he hissed for their pains, and they must then hurry outside again. They might next try “Rat,” most of them going into the room on their hands and feet, whilst the others might pretend to be frightened. Again they would be hissed. At last they boys go in and fall flat on their faces, while the girls pretend to use flat-irons upon their backs. The loud slapping that follows tells than that they are right at last. They then change places with the audience, who, in turn, become the actors.

Image © ~My aim is true~ @ Flickr, Attribution

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain

Tongue Twisters

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007
Children’s Tongue Twisters

The leader begins by saying the first sentence, which is repeated by each player in turn. The leader in every use adds the new line, which is repeated by the other players in succession. Anyone making a mistake or omission drops out of the contest. As the ranks grow thinner, the players are required to repeat the sentences more rapidly, and no time for hesitation allowed. The one who makes no mistake is entitled to a prize.

The sentences are as follows:

Peter Piper

Monday, June 18th, 2007
Follow the Leader

This is an amusing game for children. A black-board is needed upon which the verse, “Peter Piper,” etc., is illustrated or written so that the words are mixed up and it will he difficult to point out. Some older person will be needed to superintend the game.

One child is given a pointer and as the others sing, to any familiar tune:

"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Now if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where is that peck of pickled peppers,
Peter Piper picked?"

she must point out each word or drawing as quickly as it is sung.

If a mistake is made in pointing, the child takes her place with the rest and another child is out. Each one is given a turn.

It is an achievement, if done successfully, and some suitable gift should be given as a prize.

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain

Image © Alex & le temps qui passe @ Flickr, Attribution