Archive for the ‘group’ Category


Wednesday, July 16th, 2008
Kids Playing Buzz

This is a very old game, but is always a very great favorite. The more the players, the greater the fun.

The way to play it is as follows. The player: sit in a circle and begin to count in turn, but when the number 7 or any number in which the figure 7 or any multiple of 7 is reached, they say “Buzz,” instead of whatever the number may be. As, for instance, supposing the players have counted up to 12, the next player will say “13,” the next “Buzz,” because 14 is a multiple of 7 (twice 7) – the next player would then say “15,” the next “16” and the next would of course say “Buzz” because the figure 7 occurs in the number 17. If one of the players forgets to say “Buzz” at the proper time, he is out. The game then starts over again with the remaining players, and so it continues until there is but one person remaining. If great care is taken the numbers can be counted up to 70, which, according to the rules before mentioned, would of course be called Buzz. The numbers would then be carried on as Buzz 1, Buzz 2, etc., up to 79, but it is very seldom that this stage is reached.

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain

The Cook Who Doesn’t Like Peas

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
Kids Cooking

One of the players commences the game by saying to his neighbor, “I have a cook who doesn’t like peas (p’s); what will you give her for dinner?”

The person addressed must avoid the letter P in his answer. For instance, he may answer, “Artichokes,” “Onions,” “Cabbage,” and “Carrots,” but he must not say “Spinach,” “Asparagus,” “Potatoes.” The question is then asked of the second player, and so on until all have replied. If a player mentions a word containing the letter P he has to pay a forfeit.

Image © tempophage @ Flickr, Attribution

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain


Friday, October 19th, 2007
Kid’s Schooling

One of the most popular games at a party is certainly “Consequences”; it is a very old favorite, but has lost none of its charms with age. The players sit in a circle; each person is provided with a half sheet of notepaper and a pencil, and is asked to write on the top –

(1) one or more adjective, then to fold the paper over, so that what has been written cannot be seen. Every player has to pass his or her paper on to the right hand neighbor, and all have then to write on the top of the paper which has been passed by the left-hand neighbor

Cross Questions and Crooked Answers

Thursday, October 18th, 2007
Children Whispering

To play this game it is best to sit in a circle, and until the end of the game no one must speak above a whisper.

The first player whispers a question to his neighbor, such as: “Do you like roses?”

This question now belongs to the second player, and he must remember it.

The second player answers: “Yes, they smell so sweetly,” and this answer belongs to the first player.

The second player now asks his neighbor a question, taking care to remember the answer, as it will belong to him. Perhaps he has asked his neighbor, “Are you fond of potatoes?” And the answer may have been, “Yes, when they are fried!”

So that the second player has now a question and an answer belonging to him, which he must remember.

The Curate

Wednesday, October 17th, 2007
Kid’s Acting

A player is chosen to represent “The Curate.”

The other players are assigned such names as printer, plumber. jeweler, butcher, druggist, shoemaker, etc. “The Curate” starts the game by saying.

“Mr. Butcher (or any other name) I called to see you this morning but you were not at home.”

The Butcher: “I had just gone over to the jeweler’s.”

Curate: “And what business had you at the jeweler’s?”

(The jeweler is the next to speak but he must not do so until the question is answered.)


Tuesday, October 16th, 2007
Children’s Definitions

A subject is given to the company by the “teacher” and those joining in the game are each to define the subject in as terse a manner as possible, in epigram or verse, written on a slip of paper.

The cards are then signed, turned in and the “teacher” reads the definitions.

Then the company are to decide which one of the definitions has the greatest merit. For instance, the word “Friendship” is given and the answers might run like these:

The Bird-Catcher

Friday, October 12th, 2007
Children’s Bird-Catcher

To play this game you must first decide which one of you is to be the Bird-catcher; the other players then each choose the name of a bird, but no one must choose the owl, as it is forbidden.

All the players then sit in a circle with their hands on their knees, except the Bird-catcher, who stands in the center, and tells a tale about birds, taking care to specially mention the ones he knows to have been chosen by the company. As each bird’s name is called, the owner must imitate its note as well as he can, but when the owl is named, all hands must be put behind the chairs, and remain there until the next bird’s name is mentioned, When the Bird-catcher cries “all the birds” the players must together give their various imitations of birds. Should any player fail to give the cry when his bird is named, or forget to put his hands behind his chair, he has to change places with Bird-catcher.

Image © Tom@HK @ Flickr, Attribution

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain


Tuesday, October 9th, 2007
Children Writing

A slip of paper and a pencil is given to each player, who must then write a number of adjectives upon it. The slips are collected and given to the principal player, who has undertaken to read out a short story, substituting the adjectives on the slips for those already in the story. The adjectives must be taken as they come and not picked out to suit the story.


Friday, August 17th, 2007
Children Giving Advice

Each player is given a slip of paper and asked to write a piece of advice: the ladies write to the gentlemen and vice versa.

The slips are collected and again distributed and each player is asked to read the advice which has been given him. Before looking at the paper he must tell what sort of advice it is: – good, bad, unnecessary, etc., and whether or not he intends to profit by it.

Image © Clay8919 @ Flickr, Share-Alike

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain


Thursday, August 16th, 2007
Kid Winking

All the girls sit in a circle, and the boys stand outside, one boy behind each girl’s chair. One chair is left vacant, but a boy stands behind it, and by winking at the girls one at a time, tries to get one for his empty chair.

As soon as a girl is winked at, she tries to leave her seat, and take the vacant one, but if the boy behind her touches her before she leaves the seat, she cannot go. Each boy has to keep his eye an the one who is winking and on the girl in his chair, for if he is not watching, she may escape before he has time to touch her, and then it is his turn to do the winking and get a girl fur his chair.

If the winking is done quickly it adds to the interest of the game. No boy can keep hold of a girl all the time; he must only touch her when she starts to leave her place, and then if she is beyond arm’s length he cannot call her back.

Image © chefranden @ Flickr, Share-Alike

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain