Judge and Jury

Kids Court

Another Classic Game below, but first – Stickers!

Kerflop, and her sister Manda Girl, are running a Sticker Swap. They are looking for a few more people to participate.

So head on over and sign up, because who doesn’t need more stickers?

Now, the fun classic game as promised :)

Judge and Jury

The company should be seated in two lines facing each other, and one of the party should then be elected to act as judge.

Each person has to remember who is sitting exactly opposite, because when the judge asks a question of anyone, it is not the person directly asked who has to reply, but the person opposite to the judge. For instance, if the judge, addressing one of the company asks: “Do you like apples?” the person spoken to must remain silent, whilest the person who is opposite to him must reply, before the judge can count ten; the penalty on failing to do this or answering out of one’s turn is a forfeit.

A rule with regard to the answers is that the reply must not be less than two words in length, and must not contain the words: “Yes.” “no.” “black,” “white,” or “grey.” For the breaking of this rule a forfeit may also he claimed.

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain

Image © Atari, Gracinha & Marco @ Flickr, Attribution

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