The Gardener

Children Playing Games

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mothers day!

I know that everyone needs help occasionally, but it can come from the oddest people sometimes.

And Three Kid Circus has what seems to be an unorthadox song to help keep the kids entertained in the back of the car.

On to the classic kid’s game…

The Gardener

Any number of children can play. One is chosen as leader and is called the “gardener.”

All the children sit in a circle and the “Gardener” gives each one in turn the name of some flower. When all are named the “gardener” stands in the centre of the circle and tells how he has gone to the woods to gather certain flowers; how he has transplanted them to form a lovely garden; the care he has to take of them, and so on, telling quite a long story and bringing in the name of all the flowers he has given to the children.

As a flower is mentioned, the child who has that name rises, turns around, and sits down again. Anyone who fails to rise when his flower is named must pay a forfeit. When the gardener says something about a bouquet, all the children rise and exchange seats. Then the “gardener” tries to get a seat, and if he succeeds, the person who has no seat becomes the “gardener” and the game goes on as before.

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain

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