Blind man’s Bluff

Children Playing Games

March has gone out like a lamb, just as it should be and we’re ready to slog through April. What better way to get through it than blindfolded?

Here is one of the many blindfolded games in this book. Maybe it’s just me, or maybe we have more sharp objects laying around the house than they used to, but it seems just a might bit dangerous to have kids running around chasing each other while blindfolded.

Also, she matter of factly states the answers to the call and answer the children do for this game, but I’ve never heard it before. Does anyone know the history of the “How many horses has your father?” question, or what it’s from?

Or maybe she just made it up for this game, either way it’s interesting.

Blind man’s Bluff

Before beginning to play, the middle of the room should be cleared, the chairs placed against the wall, and all toys and footstools put out of the way. The child having been selected who is to be “Blind Man” or “Buff,” is blindfolded. He is then asked the question, “How many horses has your father?” The answer is “Three,” and to the question: “What color are they?” he replies: “Black, white, and grey.” All the players then cry: “Turn around three times and catch whom you may.” “Buff” accordingly spins round and then the fun commences. He tries to catch the players, whilst they in their turn do their utmost to escape “Buff,” all the time making little sounds to attract him. This goes on until one of the players is caught, when Buff, without having the bandage removed from his eyes, has to guess the name of the person he has secured. If the guess is a correct one the player who has been caught takes the part of “Buff,” and the former “Buff” joins the ranks of the players.

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain

Image © Oslo In The Summertime @ Flickr, Attribution

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